The Popular Story of Ferrari’s Horse Emblem

When Enzo Ferrari was a boy, he admired this WWI pilot who favored lots of power and speed. Later on, Enzo worked for Alfa Romeo, but he always wanted to manufacture his own racing cars. 

In Italy, having a logo (usually an animal) is a major part of the identity of a company. So Enzo went to the widow of the WWI pilot to seek permission to use her late husband’s logo of a prancing horse. As the story goes, she asked “what do you want to use ii cavallino for?” He said to “identify my cars.” She asked, “what kind of cars?” He said “the best.” She said, ”then you may use ii cavallino”. To Enzo, ii cavallino represented power. A similar prancing horse had been used to represent Stuttgart, Germany and adopted by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche for his automohiles. 

Enzo went on to win races all over Europe with his finely-tuned VI2 breathing via six American Webber carburetors and a quad ignition system so he could attain very high RPM’s. He rapidly was gaining a reputation as a respected winner. 

To this day, you will not find a Ferrari lacking in power. Usually the mid-engine power plants can be viewed through a clear heat-proof plastic window installed in the middle of the engine cover. Enzo wanted you to ooh and aah while viewing the engine. The FSO was a tnllute to Enzo’s 5Q’h anniversary and has a V 12 with a window for viewing the engine. Check it out online. 

The whole Ferrari shield is referred to as “la scudaria“, which means the horse stable, usually referring to a racing stable. At the top are the three colors of the Italian flag. The initials SF represents Scudaria Ferrari, not San Francisco, and the horse is prancing. not rearing up. The black horse is referred to as ii cavallino which means little horse.

– Researched and Reported by Chuck T.