
Happy New Year from all of the Roamin Angels!

Car Show, Beyond And More

Signed up for the combo General Meeting and Car Show Meeting on August 13th? I know a lot of you are. The gathering starts about 4:30pm at Condon Park. Come have a glass of a little something to ease the tensions. About 5pm the local cars and drivers from “The Great Race” will share their stories about the trek from Riverside to Tacoma. I’ve also extended invitations to the “Constitution Day Parade” team so they can tell you about their event and how some classics fit in. 5:30pm or so…

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Car Show, Beyond And More
Ray directing traffic at the down town Grass Valley car show May 4, 2019

Let’s begin by thanking Chal Dececco for attending the last car show meeting.  While we are focused on 4 Wheeled toys, Chal’s preference is the 2-wheel variety. Chal’s input and suggestions regarding attracting more Classic Bikes to our Cruisin the Pines 2019 adventure generated interest from the entire crowd. One interesting idea was to spread the Bike displays around through all the buildings we take over for the show.  Having bikes in all the buildings provides attractions in all the buildings as added incentive to tour the whole show. Again,…

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