Signed up for the combo General Meeting and Car Show Meeting on August 13th?
I know a lot of you are.
The gathering starts about 4:30pm at Condon Park. Come have a glass of a little something to ease the tensions. About 5pm the local cars and drivers from “The Great Race” will share their stories about the trek from Riverside to Tacoma. I’ve also extended invitations to the “Constitution Day Parade” team so they can tell you about their event and how some classics fit in.
5:30pm or so dinner will be ready and we’ll start the General meeting. Catch up on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Afterwards we’ll start the Car Show Meeting and let everyone know what to expect show wise. But…
You need to RSVP to Jean that you will be attending. We need a good head count. Home and Business numbers are listed in the handbook or drop a simple e mail to jean@therealgraphicsource.com.
All of us running the show can always use a little help. Work one of the gates and sell tickets? Can you help with the Information Booth/Lost and Found or spend a little time in the Club’s history display? How about chalking the grass on Thursday? Sell engine raffle tickets? Help transport stuff from storage to the fairgrounds? Help with the Young Gear Head area? Direct parking in the Car Corral sales lot?
You get the idea. Most every job takes up little of your time or turns out to be fun enough that you’ll want to stay and do more. This is the 20th Version of “Cruisin the Pines”. Let’s all chip in and make it the best to date. And…
Get that ‘bomb’ registered!! The Main Building will honor Club cars and the Club this year. Sign up and get you and your car in the spot light. The registration fee gets you and the car in the show and you and a guest two Friday night meals. Register Here!
Unfortunately, a couple of traditional activities are not on the schedule this year basically having to do with the volunteer base.
One of the longest running activities has been the “Gravity Drags” staged by the Buzzards. The drags were match box cars using gravity to race down a wooden track. The idea was to get kids interested in racing, the passion of the Buzzards, by having them pick a car, race it and try to win some cash in the process. Basically, it took all the Buzzards and some spouses to pull it off. This year the volunteer reserve was just not available.
Another long time show staple was the “Poker Run”. The Poker run took cars though our local area to find stops. Each stop produced a playing card. At the end, the car with the best Poker hand won some dough. Again, each stop took volunteer bodies. The run takes organization. The ‘bodies’ were just not available this year. We could get lucky and instead have the volunteers to stage a “Poker Walk” in and around the Fairgrounds. We’re working on it.
Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.
I have some other news for you but let’s wait till the 13th when the information can be updated and confirmed.
See you Tuesday, August 13th at Condon Park, 544 Butler Street, Grass Valley.