
Happy New Year from all of the Roamin Angels!

Snapshots: The Grand Canyon Trip

This was such a fun trip to the Grand Canyon. Memories of people now gone, but never forgotten. That is what is important is to appreciate all the days we are together, but, if we can not be physically together at the least keep in touch. Thanks for the memories. It was one of the Roamin Angels road trips back a few years ago. It’s nice to remember! – Paula B.

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September Travels With The Roamin Angels

Well, fellow Angels you missed another great road trip, with only four cars we covered close to 500 miles in five days. Wednesday morning we had a little rain leaving Grass Valley heading down Highway 49 through Coloma, it was too wet to stop and enjoy Marshall Gold Discovery State Park. We did stop off at the Poor Man’s Bronze shop in Jackson. WOW! What a place – very interesting inventory of unique & charming metal statues for your garden or yard. After having lunch, we ventured on further down…

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Summer 2019 Road Trips With Our Vintage Cars

Mike C., a former Roamin Angel member, asked a few of us if we wanted to take a Road Trip to a Car Show in Klamath Falls OR.  So, on June 28th, 8 couples and their vintage cars met at K-Mart here in Grass Valley and away we started off down Hwy 20 towards Corning where we would stop for our first pit stop and top off our fuel tanks. Then we were off to Redding where we stopped for breakfast.  Onward up Hwy 5 to Weed, CA stopping again…

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