Well, fellow Angels you missed another great road trip, with only four cars we covered close to 500 miles in five days.
Wednesday morning we had a little rain leaving Grass Valley heading down Highway 49 through Coloma, it was too wet to stop and enjoy Marshall Gold Discovery State Park. We did stop off at the Poor Man’s Bronze shop in Jackson. WOW! What a place – very interesting inventory of unique & charming metal statues for your garden or yard. After having lunch, we ventured on further down Hwy. 49. With the construction of the bypasses you miss some of the older towns along Hwy. 49 and along with the rain, it was actually getting pretty heavy tapering off just before arriving to Columbia Historic Park. At the historic park we enjoyed some of the history of the long-ago hydraulic mining and the fires they endured long ago here in California.
We had reservations at Guz’s Steak House, a popular grill in Sonora, however; not wanting to lose our parking places at the hotel we decided to walk the supposed 8/10 of a mile which turned out to be a mile and a ½, uphill all the way. We all made the walk, some of us taking longer than the others. We then enjoyed a great dinner which the prime ribs were the size of a large platter. Hailing a cab back to the hotel, we had a good night sleep from the food and travels of the day.
The next morning started with a 4:30 a.m. wake up call – be out in the parking lot ready to go 6:00 a.m. sharp, and we headed off to Yosemite for the day. We visited Glacier Peak and the visitor center along with all the amazing beauty Yosemite has to offer. Back at the hotel after snacks and cocktails we walked to another restaurant for dinner. This time for Mexican food. The highlights of these trips are our gatherings before dinner and the cocktails and meals we plan, usually at least two meals a day, plus snacks.
Friday morning, we find the breakfast restaurant and then off to Railtown 1987 State Historic Park. Now, this you may not feel would be interesting to gear heads, but it definitely had something in common with our automobiles and gear head husbands. The tour was fabulous and interesting. We decided to pass on the Big Trees, it is pretty much a walking park and we wanted to drive through. Our next stop was for a light lunch at the Lube Room in Camp Connell. You also need to realize Danny and I enjoy mountains and the mountain atmosphere and definitely this was another road trip that included many mountain vistas, saloons and back road traveling. If you have never been down Hwy. 4, then you do not know what a very narrow, but very well-maintained and winding with steep cliffs and beautiful scenery. A must if you have never traveled this road.
Friday late afternoon we finally arrived in Carson City and another fabulous restaurant – Red’s Old 395 Grill for dinner. Another hotel where the parking was lacking, some of us again walked and some of us hailed a cab to the restaurant. I have to tell you the two dinner grills we had dinner at, there was enough food for twice the amount of people we had with us!
Saturday morning, we arrive at the Rock-a-Billy Riots Car Show in Carson City, a low-keyed car show with many rat rods and less shining vintage cars. Here two of our members received an award for their cars and we again were awarded with the Club award.
Sunday morning everyone was ready to call an end to the trip by stopping at the Gold Ranch for breakfast and saying our goodbyes.Thank you all who came with us. We look forward to traveling with you all again next year.
– Danny and Nikki G’s 2019 Road Trip