The Good Old Days

The Land Of The Very Old

I was sitting in our car outside of a local super market while my wife, Tina, went to pick up a prescription for me.
As I watched an older woman direct a store employee to where her car was parked, another old couple were hanging on to each other looking for where their car was located. Behind them was a man I assumed was a retired soldier who only had only one leg. He had a guide dog who was able to direct him to where his car was parked.

As I watched I took notes and I noticed most of the people appeared to be over 70-years-old. I realized, that they would be considered ‘old age’ and that they were younger than me. I am 87 years old and I have multiple health problems.
At 87 years old, I am alive in a world of old people. People are living longer now and while over 70 is old, 80s is very old. It made me reminisce to when I was in my 30s to 50s. It was an exciting time in my life.

Currently, I Have been married to my wonderful wife, Tina, for 47 years. Now let me tell you where I am going with all of these observations.

Every Saturday Morning from 7am to 10am, a group us meet for cars and coffee in front of a local donut shop. We talk and recall the ‘good old days’. We are a group of old men, reliving our past and discussing our aching joints and problems. I also meet with an old, dear friend named Lanny, a simple ‘how are you doing, you old geezer’. A simple, warm handshake with each other making us a group of old men with young stories. Welcome to the ‘Land of Old’.

At our age, we all have our issues – like putting your pants on, one leg at a time and hoping not to fall over or like wondering where that other long shirt sleeve went that is just behind your back.
It happens. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you do get to be older. Now think about what makes you happy, then go out there and go do it and enjoy the rest of your life.

– Ray Y.