On behalf of all the Veteran Organizations and the Veterans we all represent, The community is owed a big thank you for their support and honors this past Veterans Day.
The American Legion would like to say thank you to the “Chicago Park Garden Club” for their donation and dedication of the “Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker” now mounted on the Grass Valley Veterans Hall honoring the Armed Forces of America.
– Thank You –
A very special thank you also goes out to the Nevada Union High School Band for just an awesome morning of performances! The some 300 attendees were just awed by their performance. You may have caught some of the feed back published in the UNION.
Thanks to our Boy and Girl Scouts for not only participating but for literally saving the life of an 88 year old Navy Veteran who fell breaking a shoulder trying to attend the morning’s honors. They provided first aid, stabilized him and got him to the emergency room. Thanks also to them and students from various grammar schools who created and passed out “Thank You” cards and letters to the Veterans.
The Scouts also once again retired some 1,800 flags… some huge!….one which had flown over the McKnight Center. (See first photo in gallery)
While we Veterans appreciate the honors, this is not about us as crazy as that seems. This is about service to our Country; this is about supporting America’s future which happens when we support the next generations of Americans, such as these Students and Scouts, and show them how tight and close all Americans are.
Thank You Nevada County, Thank You fellow Vets.
Adjutant Mike Hauser