Rollin’ in 2025

Rollin’ in 2025 By Mike H.

2025! Wow… I expect the Starship Enterprise to arrive in San Francisco shortly. Happy New Year! Last year was a challenge in many ways for many of us.

On the good side, most of us were involved in events that support our community. “Cruisin the Pines” happened again to crowds and kids. Kids from 8 to 80 got to see, touch and ride in aircraft at the “Armed Forces Day” celebration. The Club & us supported the “Toy Drive” produced by the local motorcycle nuts. (They like 2 wheels we like 4 but…. theirs can have more that 2 and ours can have more or less than 4…we win) and a food drive for the local Methodist and Episcopalian churches. Pause for a moment and remember all the good stuff happening.

Unfortunately, with the good comes the not so good and the challenges to keep that smile on. Among the friends and family lost was Dick Stein and just before Christmas John Klein. Hard working, honest, dedicated family men.  Roamin Angel Car Nuts. All Good.

John gave birth to the Grass Valley Downtown show that at the time was super unique. Many were still driving the classics as the day to day car. That show is now rolling into its’ 38th year.

I’ve once again volunteered to support the Chamber, the Grass Valley Downtown Association and most importantly the merchants by helping to organize and promote the 2025 [Downtown Grass Valley] show which happens Saturday, April 26th. I’ve  proposed to and the merchant organizations agreed to honoring, and recognizing John at this year’s event. I’m hoping John’s family can help us feature his Mercury. Look for sign ups and details soon. Think about helping out as many have in past years. Telling John’s and the others’ stories that we’ve lost in those 38 years honors those members, family and friends. It also helps tell the Roamin’ Angels’ story.

The local Veterans groups will also help celebrate a couple of times this year with classics as an important and featured component of the event once again. On Saturday March 29th, “Bob Hope”  & “Outlaws and Angels” will be back at the Grass Valley Vets hall. Basically enjoy the Humor, Band, Tri Tip BBQ lunch, bring the classic and that’s your entry. We can fit in about 40 vehicles and 200+ people like last time. Maybe Bob would look good in your classic……”just sayin’.

On Saturday May 17th Armed Forces Day will be staged at the airport with fly ins and a chance to fly. Last year we had about 150 classics. It’s Free.

We’ll have details & sign ups out on all these events soon so stay tuned. All help say thanks to our service members, the Club  & promote our Fall “Cruisin the Pines”.