Roamin Angels Christmas Party 2024

WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 14       

WHERE: The Elks Lodge in Nevada City       


You are invited to come and enjoy a Fun filled evening of Entertainment, Dining and Dancing and a Skit by Chuck Tralka.

Your event chairpersons, Glenda and Margie, have acquired a very good local singer, Billy Bensing. He plays and sings at Friar Tucks on Monday nights. He is a fabulous Singer and plays all the tunes you will love to dance to.

You will be served by “A Family Affair Catering”. We will have appetizers at 5:30, Dinner at 6:30.

Choices will be:

1. Tri-Tip with Mushrooms & Mashed Potatoes

2. Chicken Cordon Bleu served with a Rice Casserole

Entrees include: Garden Salad, sautéed fresh vegetables, and Fresh bread and butter and Dessert.

An Elks Bartender will be on duty at the no-host-bar if you want Soft or Hard Drinks or Coffee. Wine and Water are provided at your table.

NOTE: Seating is Limited, so get your Meal Tickets NOW!

By the Christmas Party Committee working very hard we were able to get our Budget agreed to by the Board. We were able to get our Meals at $40 per person! THANK YOU BOARD MEMBERS.

Reservations: Adult Roamin Angel members come First. Nonmembers must wait until November 23rd to apply for tickets. Each person attending needs a ticket – $40.00 a Plate.

• Send your Check now for $40/Plate made out to Roamin Angels, and mail to Roamin Angels P.O. Box 1616 Grass Valley, CA 95945.
• Then, contact Margie at 530-263-6098 or email at to reserve your seat and select your Meal Choice of #1 or #2.
• Once Jean has received your check, she will notify Margie who will confirm to you that you are on the Guest list. Margie does not handle checks.
The Ticket cutoff date is December 9th – which is the Caterers deadline. Seating is limited. Tickets cannot be purchased later than that or at the Door.