Nevada County Bikers Food & Toy Run

33rd Annual
Nevada County Bikers Food & Toy Run
Set up: Friday, Dec.13 • Event: Saturday, Dec. 14

This year, the club’s toy drive was unfortunately not held due to a lack of volunteers to organize it. Eric Oliver reached out to Pat G. regarding the Motorcycle Toy Run, inquiring if the Roamin Angels could assist with their event. In response, Pat spread the word, and seven members from the Roamin Angels came out on Friday to help set up the food and toy tables for Saturday’s event. Jean H. coordinated the food donations with the Nevada City Methodist Church and Nevada County Food Bank.

On the stormy Saturday, about 100 dedicated motorcycle riders braved heavy rain and strong winds to transport toys from the Rood Center in Nevada City to the Fairgrounds for the annual Food & Toy Run. Organizer Shannon Buehler noted that turnout was lower due to the weather, which she described as “like a monsoon.”

As families selected toys, the main hall lost power, leading volunteers to raise the large doors for light while waiting for a generator, which co-organizer Eric Oliver had wisely reserved. Despite the outage, families, aided by volunteers with flashlights, continued to choose gifts for nearly 700 registered families with 1,900 kids. Richard and Pat Gruwell showed up on Saturday and served hot chocolate to the attendees…at least while there was power.

The event also reached out to youth unable to attend through partnerships with local organizations. Many first-time volunteers participated, notably young people, under the supervision of their parents. Thankfully, the rain eased and the lights returned before the event concluded successfully.