Mels Cruise In

A slicked back pompidore and a pack of Pall Malls rolled up in the sleeve of a white t- shirt is common attire for us to cruise in. Worn Levies with motorcycle boots and Ray Ban Wayfairers is also quite acceptable. 

Club members Ed and Nancy J. have come  a couple  of times. The Cool Gang from Cool has some members that are also regulars. A few from the Grass Valley Cars and Coffee show up like Marty and his brother Craig. Some are not affiliated with any club. It is mostly the Townsmen though.

The Townsmen use Mels’ backroom like we do at Trailblazers. It is kind of the same as our Trailblazer Night except the Townsmen get together weekly. It has been growing the last couple of weeks as everyone has been anxious to get out after the long winter and all the rain. Everyone that I talked to has been really glad to get out and hot rod. It’s a good crowd. Skip is there and brings the portable music. 

If anyone would like to cruise down on Wednesdays with me, I usually drive down. about 3:00. I have a burger and ‘bs’ with the other car folk and leave to drive back up the hill around 7:00pm-ish. We are outnumbered and on Townsmen turf but we can roll in with Roaming Angel attitude. Thats how we roll! Wheel side down!

– ‘The Token Angel’, Don.