Lake Wildwood Car Show 2024

October 5, 2024, Penn Valley: I went to the Lake Wildwood Show on Saturday, October 5. Some of the gang from Cars and Coffee cruised over to Larry Sellers for a pre-car show get together, He was a very gracious host and had coffee, donuts and Bloody Marys, if you wished. He has a beautiful home in Wildwood. We then cruised to the show at the park, which is right on the lake and an absolutely fantastic place for a car show. It has a really nice covered picnic area with great views of the area. All of the cars were parked on lawn. It is a small show and they don’t do raffles or have food vendors. They did have hot dogs, sausage and beer, wine, sodas and water available. The show had 78 cars. I talked with Chris, one of the committee members and judges, he said that they would like to expand the show next year. He would like to get the Corvette club and Porsches involved next year. I am going to try and get some info for next year’s show…Hopefully it won’t be on the same day as the Geezer Pic Nic. Maybe we can get some Roamin Angels involved also.

– Don,  Your Roving Reporter