
Happy New Year from all of the Roamin Angels!

Veterans Stand Down 2019
All Veterans Stand Down

All Veterans Stand Down was held at the Nevada County Fairgrounds October 18th and 19th. This event provided chiropractic, vision, medical screenings, clothing, hair cutting, and DMV services among those offered free to veterans as well as the many other Veteran services available in Nevada County.This event is working towards gathering as many Veteran services under one roof to benefit those Veterans who served for the United States in their armed services branches. The event, which was free to veterans and their families is becoming an annual event. The event…

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Trailblazers- Oct. 2019

The last Trailblazer Pizza for this season had several Roamin Angels at the meeting. The band was Run 4 Cover. The winner of the whole 50/50 last night was Gail Johnson. Congratulations Gail! Join us at Trailblazer in May of 2020 for fun , good food, visiting and maybe win $$$$. Thanks again Ray Y. for coordinating this event. Photos and commentary by Pat G.

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The 2020 Car Show
Roamin Angels Cruisin the Pines Car Show

Why the issue and need for change? Shortly after the 2019 car show we were informed by the Nevada County Fairgrounds that our usual date for the car show was being changed to accommodate their Draft Horse Classic show for 2020.  The usual Draft Horse show was in direct competition with a show in Utah and few if any draft horses would attend the Nevada County Fair show.  The Fairgrounds originally moved our date to the Labor Day weekend which was completely unacceptable due to the fact that it was…

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Time Machine

As I observe our fast paced plastic world of gadgetry, I begin to realize my sanity is beginning to stretch its imagination to the breaking point to meet this high tech new millennium.  I am thankful I can still find radio stations that play Blues and 50s’ Rock and Roll music. So what does an old codger like me have to do to keep his mental normality and retain a wholesome out look on life? I slip away to my garage where hidden under a cover is my precious Time…

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November Kudos & Announcements

Kars 4 Kids Car Show November 2, 2019 Ron C.won an award for his 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 XL. Congrats Ron! Big As Fundraiser for the Toy Drive In spite of the power outages, chilly weather, and without the Roamin Angels Cruise In, Big As was able to generously give the club a $1500.00 donation!  We also made $121.00 on the raffle. All and all it was OK considering the circumstances. We are so appreciative to Big As for their continuing support of our club and for all their generosity. They are…

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CAR SHOW WINNERS: Bikes, Jeep, Engine & Poker

The Roamin Angels Car Show is more than just a car show. It has evolved to a major event that includes Arts & Crafts, an Art Show, Music and Entertainment and Raffles including a BIG Raffle, 50/50 raffle and other raffles that net out some large, great prizes. CAR SHOW BIKE WINNERS: GVPD had more kids participate this year than ever before and gave away the 4 bikes we & K Mart supplied. Two bikes went to single mother kids, a third went to a young man who desperately wants…

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2019 Roamin Angels Car Show A Success

About 600 American and Foreign cars, boats, trailers and motorbikes displayed at the 20th Annual Cruisin the Pines Car Show! It was eye candy galore… And then if that wasn’t enough – Mr. Peanut and the Peanut Mobile, the Bumblebee 8ft Transformer, there were race cars courtesy of Riebes on display too! There were wonderful arts and craft vendors, an art show and commercial vendors to shop at. The Nevada County Fairgrounds was transformed to the ultimate Northern California Car Show Extravaganza! Starting on Thursday before the Show even begins…

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Car Show, Beyond And More

It’s all Landon’s & Den’s fault! 2005 was my first Roamin Angels show as a member joining after Landon told us the Roamin Angels’ story. Jean and I volunteered for gate and ticket duty. At the follow up meeting, Den announced he was retiring from the Car Corral and asked if I would be interested. No, I said…(yeah right)…and here we are 13 years later. It was at that car show meeting that I remember Show Directors Duke and Thane saying thanks to all the directors and volunteers. “You” deserve…

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September Travels With The Roamin Angels

Well, fellow Angels you missed another great road trip, with only four cars we covered close to 500 miles in five days. Wednesday morning we had a little rain leaving Grass Valley heading down Highway 49 through Coloma, it was too wet to stop and enjoy Marshall Gold Discovery State Park. We did stop off at the Poor Man’s Bronze shop in Jackson. WOW! What a place – very interesting inventory of unique & charming metal statues for your garden or yard. After having lunch, we ventured on further down…

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Fins & Fenders Art Show at the 2019 Car Show

This years show was extra special as folks came together to make car art very special happening that included creating a small paper mâchĂ© sculpture of the Planters Peanut Mobile. Artists and visitors to the show contributed their talent to help make this a fun event. Our Best of Show award this season, went to Bob Wise for his pencil art titled, “Overstocked”. Bob has been entering in the show for many years and has graced the Roamin’ Angels with his art for the Car Show Posters. He and his…

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