Saturday, October 19: A bunch of us cruised over to Brunswick Village Classic Car Show on Saturday, October 19 after Cars and Coffee. They had a small show for the residents who really enjoyed all of our cars. It was a really nice day (Good ole’ Grass Valley October weather!) There was a band and raffle and a nice lunch. Gary B. was there and helped with coordinating and parking. Marty Souter was also involved with participation and getting out the word about the show. The Center’s director, Kriste, was very appreciative of all of the cars that showed and wants to do more car events and shows there. We also talked about a possible cruise night with Marty. I will keep you posted.
I was sorry to hear that Big A’s had closed. I know it was a long time Grass Valley popular drive in. It’s sad to see these old drive ins and diners go. I hope that it will be purchased by someone who will keep the old time drive-in culture going. When I was a kid in Half Moon Bay, we hung out at The Chevron Station on Main St. and The Sno White Drive in on Hiway 1. There wasn’t much else there in those days, of course, we had the beaches to do burn outs and donuts in the parking lots. I believe there are still three or four locations where the Sno White drive-ins are still operating. (I didn’t spell it wrong, they left of the ‘w’ out for some reason). Maybe we can get a cruise together. I have found a few of the old drive ins in our area that are about an hour or two away.
If anyone is interested give me a shout – Maybe we can help support the drive-ins and diners. I usually head down to the Mels Cruise night on Wednesdays around 3:00pm. – Your Roving Reporter, Don
– Photos by Gary B. and Don M.